Julie Morbach, MA, RDMS, RVT, RT(R)Hixson, Malerie2019-12-202019-12-202019-12-03Hixson, M. (2019). Invasive papillary breast carcinoma: A case study [Diagnostic Medical Sonography Capstone]. Lincoln, NE : Bryan College of Health Sciences.http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11987/370Papillary breast carcinoma constitutes approximately 0.5% of invasive breast cancers (Pal et al, 2010). Patients are usually postmenopausal females, especially the age range of 40-75, who present with bloody nipple discharge, a palpable mass, or abnormalities on medical imaging such as mammography or ultrasonography. Histology reports show that distinguishing papillary carcinoma from other breast cancers can be determined by a proliferation of malignant papillary cells which do not contain an intact layer of myoepithelial cells within the papillae. Patients have a good prognosis, with a ten year survival rate of 86% (Schneider, 1989). There are several options for treatments including mastectomy, lumpectomy, or chemotherapy treatment.Carcinoma, papillaryUltrasonography, mammaryBreast ultrasonographyPapillary breast carcinomaInvasive papillary breast carcinoma: A case studyDiagnostic Medical Sonography Capstone